Can you imagine
Publicerat 2012-10-22 08:38:18 i
Can you imagine how proud I was (and still am) a few days ago when one of my pattern buyers posted photos of her finsihed and
beautiful Grey Impression? This is the first finsihed project of my designs that I have ever seen - and I can tell you that it's an amazing feeling! Thinking about this wonderful person (we have had frequent contact through our message boxes at Ravelry) and her really pretty sweater made at the other side of the Atlantic... You can see her project under my Grey Impression at Ravelry. Take a look - she's got her gorgeous dog figuring in the pictures as well - he's really worth an extra glance! And here is my "proto-type":
Takk for kjempekos kommentar! Og reklamen!!:) Har kost meg med alle fine bildene på din blogg - turbildene fra "nutsisland" er bare skjönne! Klem tilbake/Anne
Anne B Hanssen