knitting instructions
Publicerat 2012-09-10 19:56:00 i
On request of one of the persons that have bought my "Zebra Ruffle" pattern I publish a photo of the "slip 1 st knitwise, insert tip of right needle under the loop beneath and in the back of the first st of the main panel....." etc. We took a photo - and hope it's clear enough. Please remark that the hand in top of the photo is the right hand holding the right needle.
Rowanberry Girl pattern
Publicerat 2012-08-24 15:17:00 i
Launched! The Rowanberry Girl pattern is now out on Ravelry - and I can't wait for the weather to get colder so I can start wearing my new Aran sweater!! The color is so lovely - a deep, rich and vibrant green with much black to it. Goes with many things - and especially with jeans that I wear a LOT. The feeling when having published a new pattern is difficult to describe - I'm nervous for the response (or lack of it) - I'm excited, happy and strangly enough;, a bit sad and empty. But I know, I'll soon be on the go again with new projects! I have several on my mind - now I have to choose which one to get started.... More is coming up soon....
Here are amazing photos taken by my sweet daughter: she's not too happy with her "model" - but never mind!
The path in the woods above is part of my everyday-walk with the dogs. Just lovely to breathe in the fresh or dry leaves, the smell of earth, listening to all those birds....
New to Ravelry!
Publicerat 2012-08-20 19:51:00 i
I have been a member at Ravelry since 2010, under the profile name of "Asmaloy" and have been surfing happily around, admiring all the beautiful and fantastic creations I have found there. Not for a single moment I had thought that I would ever publish my own patterns there! Earlier this year I had a "yarn-day" in Denmark - which means that I run around visiting fabulous yarn-stores in Copenhagen during one day and come back home loaded with new yarn and aching feet. Somewhere I saw a girl wearing a black-and whiite stripy shawl that really inspired me to do a copycat for myself to wear. I had lots of trouble getting the proportions and design right, and then suddenly the shawl took off in a direction of it's own, not ressembling the Danish shawl anymore, now it was the Zebra Ruffle Shawl! And I was so happy with the result! I guess it was a collaboration between brainwork, inspiration, creativity and of course a bit of luck. Suddenly I wanted to challenge myself by writing down the pattern row by row and then maybe publish it on Ravelry.
The pattern-writing was the easy bit. I guess I'm just so much better at knitting-related things than complicated computer-stuff... I didn't have much of a chance when trying to make pdf's, loading it down to Ravelry, starting up an account at Paypal and linking it to my new "shop" . Lucky me; my adorable daughter is good at everything that I'm bad at (she cannot knit!) and she helped me with all the impossibilities. And together we went by bicycle to the nearest beach taking nice photos in the wind. Then, from one second to another, I was launched as a designer at Ravelry!!! Wow! - I had never expected the respons I had - and how fun it was to receive "hearts", comments and messages! Worth every struggle. You can find my Zebra Ruffle Shawl at Ravelry. The shawl is great fun to knit and fantastic to wear, as you can find so many different ways to wear it.
(you can find me on raverly --->
here <---)