In the top of the tree
Publicerat 2012-12-10 16:52:52 i
Today I present a new hat-design:
In the top of the Tree. I think the leave-pattern reminds me of ivy-leaves climbing upwards, upwards to the crown of the tree for a meeting in the middle. I would love to be an ivy-leaf myself today - with fresh snow covering the woods and the fields - wouldn't it be just lovely to sit on the top of a beautiful tree watching the nature below?
The pink hat is knitted in a soft blend of babyalpaca/silk and the gauge is 24st to 10cm/4"
Whereas the brown beanie is knitted in heavenly soft Homespun Ilóyarn offered to me by Cecilia.
Thank you! It was lovely to work with! Knitted up to a gauge of 18st in st st.
Er enig - selv om det var så fint med sneen, og alt! Men litt mörkt! Takk for hjelpen!
Anne B Hanssen
Takk! Fotografen mistet litt tålmodighet i går - lyset var for dårlig! Rett etter bildene ble tatt kom det enda mere sne! Hvitt og fint er det!! <3
Anne B Hanssen