You might think that I'm not doing anything but knitting! At times it really seems that way - but I guess that I'm a fast and determined knitter and things are growing quit fast at the needles once that the idea is established. And the cardi I am working with at the moment - the one based on the Zebra Ruffel Scarf principle is a very good work in front of the television at night. Now it sounds that I'm not doing anything but watching television - which I absolutely do. In summer it can go days, and sometimes weeks between the moments in front of the TV, whereas in winter I watch something for some time almost every night. I bring my wool and needles no matter what programme - which can be pretty disatreous at times (either for the knitting or for me getting what it's all about...).
Normally I don't make too inrtricate patterns or constructions, that's probably the main reason why the production can be rather fast at times. I would love to make some really complicated things that I've been bearing on my mind for a long time - but I'm so eager to lance new patterns and I just have to wait for the right moment.
If the knitting is fast, the finishing can take so much more time. I must admit it is not my favourite part. In my teens I didn't know at all how to finish a garment - and my pullovers couldn't be scrutinized too closely. Then I learned a few tricks and seaming was getting easier. Not more amusing, just easier!!
Well, the cardigan I'm about to finish in a couple of days is practically without seaming! If you do not count a couple of inches under each arm you could say that it's completely seamless. I have had questionmarks about how to make the collar-construction, and today during my running I finally solved it!! Relief! I know now that my brain is working amazingly much better when running than in front of the television! - - -
Pictures coming tomorrow -