Autumn news
Publicerat 2013-09-05 21:46:00 i
When I start dreaming about making a new blanket for the sofa I know that autumn is just around the corner! Since a couple of weeks I haven't even been thinking about making anything in cotton or linen; my head is full of cosy, warming and hugging garments and accesoires.
At the moment I have started working some booties for women in the number 1 wool at Ravelry: Cascade 200! I understand in many ways the immense popularity - the value for money is great and so is the wool. Never a disturbing knot anywhere (my experience) and a smooth, dryish wool with just the right apperance to make great outdoor pieces.
The booties are a future thing; here is the news of today:
MarieMarie Cross-over cardi, knitted in the gorgeously soft alpaca wool from Ilóyarn. The color is so vibrant - reminding of the first yellow-colored leaves of the birches. Autumn gives lots of new inspiration; nature shows off the most beautiful colorcombinations before winter can arrive.
Until the 31st of October the Kalamata Knee Highs can be found in my Ravelry store as a free download. I'm working out 3 more sizes which will be available in the beginning of November. So until then; please take the opportunity to download a free, easy and charming pattern:)
Publicerat 2013-07-25 21:32:00 i
I must admit that knitting, although it is always on my top-list, isn't that fast in summer as in winter. I bring out my wool and needles in the garden, and all of a sudden lots of other things blow my interest in other directions; some beautiful butterflies evading the lavender, a rose to be admired, some weed to attac! My knitting-needles speeded up again when I had found the most gorgeous blend of baby lama and mulberry silk; the Kings Llama and Silk from Aslan Trends. Here's the result::
And here is the photographer:
Salty Waves
Publicerat 2013-05-20 17:54:06 i
Finally summer is here! Today it was a pure joy going to the small harbour nearby to take photos of my new scarf, the Salty Waves. I didn't even miss the sight of stormy waves rolling in from the ocean! From now I want shallow waters for months to go - maybe with an occasional sea-breeze to permit me to use my new scarf!
The garter stich scarf is as beautiful at the right side as at the "wrong" - cool enough for summerevenings and warm enough to protect my neck during winter!
Cotton Girls!
Publicerat 2013-04-15 17:27:30 i
Time for cotton - for big girls as well as for tiny ones! Cotton often comes in huge varieties of color - from soft to bright, from earth to ethereal. Cotton is an understated fibre for knitting; it's cheap and the quality is normally high. For the big girls I present "Ombre Parfaite" - with pelum and bustline to give plenty of room for rounded shapes, and a tailored waistline to flatter your figure. The cutest top to wear with almost anything!
Today I present the very sweet and girly "
Selma Lace Top" to make a great addition to a small girl's summer wardrobe. Fast, fun and easy to make! If you make one you might just take advantage of all those lovely colors and make one or several more!
Lot's of girly attributes; lace peplum, ribbed body, eyelets around neck and armholes, henley - neck for easy dressing. Everything in place to be this summer's favorite!
Persian Spring
Publicerat 2013-03-26 17:16:00 i
When we were on the plane from Athens some weeks ago we had the great opportunity to meet a wonderful Persian girl, Bahar, who kept us company to Copenhagen. She told us lots of things about her native country, about the food, the culture, the life of women. Her name, Bahar, meaning spring or feather in Persian - isn't it a beautiful, soft and poetic name?
My newest design is a dedication to her, to spring, to life!
I love the swirl this pullover gives - every step I make I feel like dancing!
Afterwards we detected some true signs of spring:
Latest news!
Publicerat 2013-03-14 18:04:00 i
I have been just TOO busy for a while! I'm catching up today - with a cold on it's way speed is going down...
Outside sun is shining bright - conditions are not the best for photo-shooting neither indoors nor outdoors.
My Ego Pullover was shot a couple of weeks ago. One of my Ravelry-friends sent me a nice PM to complement on my GREY pullover, which in fact is a true black! For you to judge:
The pullover is so cosy to wear this spring! Sunbeams are there - but they don't give any warmth yet......
A few days later we had a fantastic day at the beach with a photo-team organized by Cecilia, the owner of
Ilóyarn. We are waiting for the photos taken of Cissi's shawlette, in the meantime these shots will have to do:
My latest design is made of wool from Filatura di Crosa, which I purchased in a very nice yarnstore in Athens. I was a little carried away - both by the low prices and the beautiful electric blue - and I didn't check the yarn label too closely. Normally I only work with natural fibres - and this alpaca/wool blend even has 25% nylon mixed in. Not too happy about that - but you could easily substitute it for a pure fibre:
You find all my patterns in my Ravelry store. My Feuilles Bleues has been inspired from my beloved beautiful blue and white breakfast china.
It took my breath away!
Publicerat 2013-02-22 10:25:00 i
I had known for a while that I would have the opportunity of going to Athens, and I knew that I wouldn't miss the chance to take photos of a new design. Inspired by the pillars of Acropolys I made my "Not just grey". Earlier this week we had a fabulous, sunny day at the top of Acropolys. I had never dreamt of it being this magnificent! You have the spectacular wiew 360degrees around; to the mountains surrounding Athens, to the sea....The eastethic beauty of the temples, the pillars, the site; I suddenly felt my little sweater was a mere little nothing.
I kept thinking that what one person could do alone really isn't much - together we can do amazing things.
Happy Waves
Publicerat 2013-02-02 15:33:17 i
For some time now I have wanted to find a way to show all Ravelers how grateful I am for all the attention I have had during my months as a designer. I have had so much pleasure receiving comments, getting to know new people, all the hearts, the people working my pattern! During the last few weeks I have knitted on a scarf from scraps and pieces found in my stash - and I have decided to give it away as a free pattern during February - the month of Valentine, the month that we urge for more light, more color. I hope you like it!
You might use any color-combination you like! I look forward to see amazing and beautiful Happy Waves Scarfs at Ravelry!
Well, I guess I am.....
Publicerat 2013-01-20 19:50:00 i
....just very proud! I have dreamt about making this winterwhite diamond-laced shawl for such a long time. Everytime I have made an attempt to do it I have been more than frustrated! Something simple turned out to be very difficult. The first diamond-square always went on nicely - then the next ones suddenly had too few stiches to them! I don't know how many times I have turned my brain - and still I didn't want to give in!!! I hate to give up - and this time I WANTED TO DO MY SHAWL! Once it was knitted I got that really proud feeling... And even more proud when I had added all those small, crocheted flowers which gave the name to my new design:
Publicerat 2013-01-16 19:14:28 i
As a knitter you probably have the same feeling like me when you can stich the last stich and seam the final seam to a project! Somehow I always find it more appealing to start a project than to finish it - and for many years I was awfully bad at it. I had half-finished projects lying about everywhere and anywhere - and it was quit annoying. Now I have learnt my lesson and normally I only have one project at the go (believe it or not!) In my head, though, I have lots and lots of new projects that I want to start - and finishing one means a fresh start with another.
Today we took the "Part Two" pictures of
the Spin Span Spun- this time completed with long sleeves. It was freezing cold outside - but no wind, and so beautiful...... Hopefully the rest of winter would be like this:
Above: Before the photo-shot! Just about to take off lovely, warm garments.....
Below: Photo-shooting. Freezing cold, but worth it!

Sleeves coming up
Publicerat 2013-01-13 08:36:05 i
It already seems like ages ago since we shot the pictures for "Spring Can Come!" In the meantime I have made a horizontal vest/cardigan with azymetrical fronts - the
Spin - Span - Spun, which I presented at Ravelry a few days ago as a vest. Maybe not the best way to go - but I wanted to show it off as a vest before making the sleeves, as I really enjoyed the comfortable, boxy garment. Today the sleeves are in place - and the vest has turned into a very flattering cardigan! Despite the horizontal lines (which one of my dear Ravelry friends reminded me was freightening some women off) I think it looks so cool, elegant, relaxed! First pictures of the vest
Spring Can Come!!!
Publicerat 2013-01-02 21:45:00 i
What a lovely start to a new year; with a new top that I call Spring Can Come! to present.
The top has been ready for some days - but the New Year celebration and the weather conditions have come in the way for photo-shots. The pattern-writing also took some time. Sometimes I feel it takes more time than the actual knitting process..... I want everything to be correct, from charts to sizing and details for each size. Sometimes I wish I had a skilful person to co-read the patterns with me....
But as always I have my skilful daughter as a photographer;
We took photos at a small farm used as a summer-house by the sea. It was freezing cold in the wind, only 4 degrees Celsius - and it made us longing for spring even more....
Hidden Star
Publicerat 2012-12-21 22:23:00 i
I wanted to do my Hidden Starjust in time for Christmas. Maybe I rushed it too fast - as we didn't have any good options for the pictures this time. Today we have the darkest day in the year - and yesterday wasn't that much better. I used my old teddy-bear as a model - and when I had this comment on Ravelry (which really gave me a good laugh!) "Cute sweater - creepy baby" I realized that my teddy maybe frightened people off rather than attracted them...... I even realized that what is a cute thing for me doesn't necessarily mean that it is other than creepy to you. Well - anyhow - I am proud of my sweater - and even more so of my teddy. Here they are:
My teddy has followed me all my life - as my mother won him at the Tivoli in Copenhagen long before I was born! It is not difficult to detect that I used to drag him around in his ears and his nose - even if I loved him so much I did not treat him too well....
One thing is for certain: this will be my last design for 2012. I haven't even knitted a stich during the past days!
Now it's time for Christmas! Happy Christmas to you all!
In the top of the tree
Publicerat 2012-12-10 16:52:52 i
Today I present a new hat-design:
In the top of the Tree. I think the leave-pattern reminds me of ivy-leaves climbing upwards, upwards to the crown of the tree for a meeting in the middle. I would love to be an ivy-leaf myself today - with fresh snow covering the woods and the fields - wouldn't it be just lovely to sit on the top of a beautiful tree watching the nature below?
The pink hat is knitted in a soft blend of babyalpaca/silk and the gauge is 24st to 10cm/4"
Whereas the brown beanie is knitted in heavenly soft Homespun Ilóyarn offered to me by Cecilia.
Thank you! It was lovely to work with! Knitted up to a gauge of 18st in st st.
From the monument to design
Publicerat 2012-12-01 16:12:00 i
Just a few words to present my newest design
Along the Shore. I'm on my way to visit old friends, but I wanted to post some of the beautiful pictures from the shore today. My daughter is improving her photoskills every day!
Wheather was amazing!
And another one:
The light was exceptional today. During the night we had a tiny bit of snow and a couple of degrees below zero. It was a relief to evade the weeks on end with rainy, damp weather (even if it meant less outdoorlife, and more knitting....) Hopefully we will have frost from now on - I would love more snow!
From the genes to design
Publicerat 2012-11-26 18:55:02 i
Where does a new design has its beginning? I think that many designs are a blend of what's going on unconciously in the brain - memories, flashbacks, impressions from what we see everyday.... In this particular case, with my newest design Helleborus Winter Slipover I think I could trace its beginning almost down to my genes. Being born in Norway several decades ago is synonymous with the fact that I've been wearing lots and lots of Norwegian-patterned sweaters, gloves, stockings... As well as my ancestors. In my childhood I always dreamt about having a Christmas-red sweater - to change from all the dark blue, dark grey, dark brown ones....
I had to wait for quit a few years before I proudly could start a new winter wearing one!
Picture of christmas shawl
Publicerat 2012-11-21 18:58:01 i
Christmas-dress - Ha-ha!
Publicerat 2012-11-19 22:08:00 i
What's the matter with me? I thought that I finally had a great idea for the red Christmas-dress I have dreamt about making. The wool is the beautiful Ilóyarn in a true Christmas-red. The idea was sketched (another bad sketching, but I could "read" it myself), the needles just waited for me to get started. After a couple of inches I felt all inspiration fading away. I find it hard to explain - but I got the notion that this was not going to work. Well, there will be other Christmas'es and other ideas - and the really good thing about my failure is that I suddenly (and eventually!) had an idea for a shawl!!!
Pictures will appear tomorrow....
My first cowl!
Publicerat 2012-11-16 17:22:00 i
Honestly, this is the first cowl I've ever knitted! There are so many beautiful cowls on Ravelry - I guess I've been thinking there are too many nice ones already.... Still I decided to make my own version - a cowl that is both feminine, soft, warm and a bit Scandinavian with its stranded colorwork. I was lucky to convince one of my daughters friends to model for the pic's - to add another Scandinavian touch! With her blue eyes and beautiful blonde hair she was just perfect!
After quit a few projects in neutral shades I feel like working in brighter colors!
Christmas is approching - and I've finally started the RED CHRISTMAS-DRESS!
Waiting for the right idea
Publicerat 2012-11-12 19:35:01 i
Since a few weeks ago I am in the possesion of lovely, Christmas-red alpaca-wool from Ilóyarn. I have decided that I will turn it into a soft, uncomplicated, wearable dress - for Chrismas, and for lighting up any grey and boring day. I have different ideas on how to proceed - I have just not found
the idea yet. It will come, I'm not worried - but I would like it to come in time for a knit-up before the fesive season!
In the meantime I am working on Blå Blom - a set consisting of a cowl, wrist-warmers, and maybe a hat. I share a photo of the upstart of the cowl: