Climbing up the tree
Publicerat 2014-04-27 09:38:00 i
Wind everywhere! A shawl to keep still!! Wanted photos at the beach, but had to give in and ended up a tree instead:) Here's my Guernsey in Pink:
Getting there...
Finally there!
This one from the beach was the best we managed....
An ultimate choice for cheering up a basic wardrobe! Light and not too big - could easily be tucked under a coat - or put in the handbag if the weather becomes too hot:)
I found knitting this shawl was relaxed and rewarding in the same time.
First you knit the lace-border which is urned into a long strip of fabric with loops along one side. Pick up stiches in the loop and continue the body of the shawl consisting of basic Guernsy-patterning separated by Eyelets. Fun and fast to knit! You could easily adapt to Another size if you prefer it bigger or smaller. For more information see my Ravelry store.
Knowing that spring weather in Scandinavia can be quite tricky I worked my shawl using a fingering alpaca. Depending on your needs you could work it in silk, cashmere, merino.... there are endless possibilities!
Publicerat 2014-04-17 17:59:00 i
Bisoux - kisses!
I find this design a tiny bit french. In the meaning of elegancy. When I pull the Bisoux-sweater over my head I feel a little more sophisticated and elegant than in real life. You can detect from my pictures my TRUE Lifestyle: boots for rain and sandy beaches, long walks... Lucky for you I do not put up any photos of my outworn jacket that I have been wearing all winter for beach-walks!
When I was living in France during the 90ties I was a more elegant version of myself! It came quite naturally; most french women are elegant, and the clothes in the shops were made to match. Coming back to Scandinavia again I found I couldn't use my wardrobe of dresses and tailored suits, and pretty quick I was back to normal: wearing jeans and sweaters. Still I dream of those clothes.....
With my Bisoux-pullover I can match the two worlds; my desire of french elegancy and my beloved rain-boots!
The Bisoux top is made of a gorgeous silk/merino blend from BC GARN: Silkbloom Fino. Great drape and beautiful colors! I don't like messing up such a nice wool with too much details. Bisoux is kept simple, but with it's patterned front it gets a Little more interesting than a simple boyfriend pullover. It is a simple knit as well, made in the round and bottom-up with only k and p stiches to get hold on. Sleeves are made top-down which is very convenient for deciding the right length.