Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Publicerat 2012-09-30 20:52:12 i
I felt like the second personality of my knittingdesign came throug in my new pattern "Perfect Shadow".
If you have seen my other designs so far, they are all rather close-fitting, feminine and soft (maybe with one or two exceptions), and Perfect Shadow contrasts with its boxy shape and stronger color. In the beginning I had doubts, but when the work grew on the needles I came to like it more and more. I'm quit excited to see what respons it will get out there!
As usual it's my lovely daughter taking pictures. I admire her for her patience with me wanting her help all the time. I hope she will tell me clearly if she gets tired of it! So far we are enjoying long walks together looking for nice places to take pictures. It makes us discover our surroundings in a different way - we talk, we walk, we laugh and we have a good time together. Thank you, min sötnos!
Once in a while
Publicerat 2012-09-28 18:00:00 i
Once in a while I wake up at night with a new knitting-idea on my mind! If I don't sketch it down immediately it will be gone the next morning. On the other hand, if I sketch down my idea it is not certain that I approve the next day.
This Buckwheat Blossom cardiganset was one of those rare ideas, when sketch an approval made a match. I found it brilliant even before getting started - and now when everything is in place; the knitting, the instructions, the photos - I must say that I'm really happy that I didn't let my sketch go into the wastebasket!
On Ravelry from today - and here are some more photos for you to enjoy
Photos from the stable:
My new friend, and the nicest boy I've met in days:
We became great frinds - thanks to a handful of carrots. He's adorable don't you think!?!
A pair of mittens!
Publicerat 2012-09-11 20:29:23 i

Many years ago I knitted up a pair of mittens for my youngest sister. I was in a Guernsey-period, and the mittens were higly infuenced by the lovely Guernsey-patterns. I even used the pure Guernsey-wool - which was very pretty, but maybe not the most comfortable choice as the wool is extremely rough. When I decided to make a remake I went for the softest alpaca I could find - the Ilo alpaca from Bolivia. This is a gorgeous, soft fair-trade and eco-friendly yarn existing in several natural shades. The softness of the mittens made me want to pair them with a soft hat - based on the same pattern. I'm so pleased with the result!
Here are some pictures for you to judge!
knitting instructions
Publicerat 2012-09-10 19:56:00 i
On request of one of the persons that have bought my "Zebra Ruffle" pattern I publish a photo of the "slip 1 st knitwise, insert tip of right needle under the loop beneath and in the back of the first st of the main panel....." etc. We took a photo - and hope it's clear enough. Please remark that the hand in top of the photo is the right hand holding the right needle.
2 hats in a row
Publicerat 2012-09-04 21:56:00 i

If you are used to knit hats, you know already that it's fast stuff to knit!
Normally I start far too late making the production for winter (I don't know how it happens - but we seem to loose a hat or two every winter...) - but this year has been an exception in this matter. Two hats are made during the last few days, and today I went with my daughter to our favourite path in the wood for photographing. This time we changed roles - I was behind the camera, she in front. You can see that it was a succesful change - at least what concerns the change of model! We took a selfshot of the two of us - just for a good laugh!
Dancing with Hats!
Publicerat 2012-09-02 14:16:00 i
A very bad thing about knitting is that you sit still for so long! When I'm in the middle of some exciting knitting-work I'm totally lost for the surroundings. And if you count in my dangerous desire for chocolat (WHO could resist?) I just have to speak myself out of the knittingchair to do something more physical. Today it's my Zumba-class that manages to draw me away from my cosy, cosy knitting. And once I go I LOVE it! Today I'll be dancing with hats on my mind!
My latest pattern - "Cardamom" (Thank you all for favouriting me at Ravelry!!!) was published yesterday and I let my focus go to something else. Excercise is a great key to creativity - and even if I don't deliberately make up patterns when running, dancing, sweating away - I know for sure that my creativity is working at full speed. I have a "collection" of hat in my "top floor" at the moment - 2 of them in the more traditional lane, the third completely different - never seen anything like it, yet! Can't wait to get started - but well; dancing first!!
Here it is - the Cardamom Cardi!
Publicerat 2012-09-01 13:22:00 i
Things went so fast - I brought my knitting in front of the television a couple of evenings - and I was just amazed to see how fast it grew! I had meant to take some pictures along the way - but somehow the time didn't countfor that.
So - here it is - totally finished! I'm delighted with the result - I really like the simpleness and the feminine feel of this cardigan. And my house profits from me being without a project on the go - I have used some (necessary!) hours cleaning, bringing in fresh flowers, tidying away all bits of wool lying around....