New to Ravelry!

I have been a member at Ravelry since 2010, under the profile name of "Asmaloy" and have been surfing happily around, admiring all the beautiful and fantastic creations I have found there.  Not for a single moment I had thought that I would ever publish my own patterns there!  Earlier this year I had a "yarn-day" in Denmark - which means that I run around visiting fabulous yarn-stores in Copenhagen during one day and come back home loaded with new yarn and aching feet.  Somewhere I saw a girl wearing a black-and whiite stripy shawl that really inspired me to do a copycat for myself to wear.  I had lots of trouble getting the proportions and design right, and then suddenly the shawl took off in a direction of it's own, not ressembling the Danish shawl anymore, now it was the Zebra Ruffle Shawl!  And I was so happy with the result!  I guess it was a collaboration between brainwork, inspiration, creativity and of course a bit of luck.  Suddenly I wanted to challenge myself by writing down the pattern row by row and then maybe publish it on Ravelry.
The pattern-writing was the easy bit.  I guess I'm just so much better at knitting-related things than complicated computer-stuff...  I didn't have much of a chance when trying to make pdf's, loading it down to Ravelry, starting up an account at Paypal and linking it to my new "shop" .  Lucky me; my adorable daughter is good at everything that I'm bad at (she cannot knit!) and she helped me with all the impossibilities.  And together we went by bicycle to the nearest beach taking nice photos in the wind.  Then, from one second to another, I was launched as a designer at Ravelry!!!  Wow! - I had never expected the respons I had - and how fun it was to receive "hearts", comments and messages!  Worth every struggle.  You can find my Zebra Ruffle Shawl at Ravelry.  The shawl is great fun to knit and fantastic to wear, as you can find so many different ways to wear it. 
(you can find me on raverly ---> here <---)

I wish you a warm welcome!

Welcome to my blog; the Rowanberrygirl blog.
The name of my blog was close to hand as I am working on a pullover bearing that name at the moment.  We are approching autumn at full speed in my part of the world and the lovely rowanberry-trees are making the forest full of vibrant color.  We have a saying here that if there are many berries on the Rowantree the winter is going to be hard.  So, if that's true we can expect  a winter full of snow and gaily winds.  I'm going to be well prepared with my new sweater!  I'm working with the merinowool "Cascade 220" for the first time.  Having seen the immense popularity of this wool at Ravelry I thought I would give it a go.  I'm so pleased with it!  Smooth, even, "dry", soft in a nice sort of way.  And it behaves very nicely when working the cable-and-knot pattern I create for Rowanberry Girl. The reliefs are really showing off - and it's worth the little extra effort it is to make the cables.
I hope you will come back to my blog seeing the finished result!
When calling myself a "girl" I have to admit straight away that I hardly fit into that category anymore.  It's up to you to judge, but if I tell you I've been knitting since the 60ties I  think you will judge me without a trial. Back then I WAS a girl, knitting clothes for my 5 beloved dolls and my teddybear.  Now I have shifted focus, designing knitwear for people, but somehow the feeling is the same; the ideas that pop up in my head, the immense pleasure of starting up a new project, the mediative knittingprocess (except when everything goes wrong and I have to start all over again...) and the eager pleasure to try out the finished garment in the end.  I just can't stop starting this process over and over again - it's my passion!
The huge advantage (maybe the one and only) to having knitted for decades is the experience.  Come to think of it there is another advantage as well; my brain is full of impressions from so many different fashion-periods - and somehow I think it lies there in the background when I start a new piece of knitting on my needles. 
It seems that I have always been knitting.  Since the very first start with two of my aunts directing me from both sides I got addicted.  I nearly gave it up at the age of twelve when I was knitting a baby-bonnet for my new cousine - and since then I have not been very good at following patterns.  In the teens I had too little money and  couldn't get enough of fashion and new clothes and I started designing my own knitwear.  I didn't of course think of it as designing - it was just a practical way to get new clothing in my taste.

This blog is about my lifelong passion for wool, knitting, design, patterns, color, handcraft, fashion. As I am a knittingdesigner I will present my patterns, my inspiration for new designs, and much more in the same field.

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